Season 5 Rainmaking

Season 5 is when the Seed farm finally gets some rain!
Postponed from the last season until we wrapped some things up (eg. MyMeta), improved some processes (eg. around championing), etc.
Now I think its about time! Also need to hurry before Seeds completely go to shit.

So, over the next 3 months I’ll be focusing on fundraising.
I hope that someone else will join me as well.

How I’ll be doing that:

  • Finish the hopefully final version of the deck & the final recording of myself pitching
  • Start a group with all the interested people as including existing patrons that may be interested
  • Reach out to everyone I know that might be interested
    • Send them the pitch then invite to the group if interested
  • Write a short post & announce it publicly
  • Do a call with all of them in a few weeks
  • Start the Seed Fund DAO 1st of February or something
  • Finalize & receive Ether in the second half of February or early March at the latest

Open to any & all feedback. All help more than welcome.


I could help with pitching.

I want to know more about that recording. Is it a video where you are addressing the public? If that’s the case, then let me know ASAP.

That would be awesome tbh, need as much help on this as possible.
This is the deck, still need to finish it & make the video. Will send it to you as soon as its done.