MetaPubz -- A Proto-Specification

to this:

"token address: <contract address>
plain text name: <string>
version number: <integer> (optional)
additional details: <string>
original pub date: <datetime> (optional) %good for backfilling older content)
content address: <(ipfs/bzz <3) CID>
authors: <list of addresses> %external accounts of authors
reviewers: <list of addresses> %external accounts of reviewers
citations: <list of addresses> %other contracts adhering to this standard

I am looking at this and seeing:

DID //0xo…
pID //cDAG
vID //int
tID //datetime
cID //hash…
*c.cID //dependencies/citations of
*a.DID //authorizers/signers (may have a cID in *c.cID)
*r.DID //owners/referrers/referencers (may have a DID in *i.DID)
*i.DID //cited by/indexed in