Content Ring in Season 9 by Cami

What I want to achieve over the next Season (3 months)

  • CONTENT PRODUCTION ENGINE: Unify Content and Content-related activities in such a way that we don’t have isolated contributors, but rather a Content Production Engine where each raid/guild synergizes with each other and certain ideas, communications, activities are repurposed and reshared through different channels. Plan ahead what is going to be created, when will it be published, where, in what format, reuse it for another channel, plan ahead to record/summarize/collect what happens in our events or those we participate in so we can also turn that into content.

    • Collaborate with Community and Bridgebuilding so that their efforts are also leveraged to produce content.
  • CONTENT RING MANAGEMENT: Keep our workspace up to date to help contributors identify what the priorities are and report progress and blockers to others. We have people who want to create content, and others who have the knowledge to provide, I’d like to simplify workflows so people from other areas who want to create, or help produce content can do so without much hassle.

    • Probably start a Content Production guild or something because everything is in isolated raids at the moment?
  • PLAYBOOKS: Finish up building new workflows for Playbooks and maintain a healthy backlog of relevant topics in the areas of crafting our own playbooks, hunting other playbooks, and re-sharing project’s playbooks. Work along Bridgebuilding to partner with other projects/DAOs and leverage playbooks as a content creation way of driving engagement towards a specific launch/event.

  • METAFEST: Work along other rings to establish a roadmap as soon as possible to create content and campaigns to drive engagement towards MetaFest. Make it attractive, exciting, and showcase all of the reasons why someone would want to brag about attending the event and start engaging with it in advance. Plan out experiences/interviews/workshops during the event and support making sure we can collect sources for content to showcase how amazing it was for all the people who couldn’t make it, and for attendants to keep the memories alive.

  • DESIGN: There seems to be a lack of support in term of graphic assets for comms and content, as a designer I can take care of this as well.

  • ONBOARDING: It would be great to have some more contributors to take care of specific areas of content production that can help us expand what we’re able to do, but they would probably have a headache trying to navigate their way in atm, so at least as Content ring is concerned I would like to have a minimum viable onboarding journey that gives context to what we’re doing and what’s needed, and supported by our workspaces and workflows, who does what and how to do things, and how to get compensated.

  • FUNDRAISING AND GROWTH: Support Growth ring in fundraising as needed.

  • Free up Peth’s workload on the Content front :laughing:

Why this is important for MetaGame

Because other than essential content related efforts that have faded away, there’s individual contributors seemingly disconnected from each other or from the overall picture, probably tied through Peth in the background which puts great pressure on him and means we have a really bad bus factor, i.e. so much glue work rests on his shoulders that without him things don’t move. Through generating workspaces, workflows, documenting what people are doing and simplifying how people can start doing, we can build a Content ring that supports itself and isn’t sustained by a single person.

Plus I see there’s people who want to write or create content and it’s not quick and easy for them to get started, and there’s so much knowledge and experiences around that could be turned into useful content for our audiences, so we need to leverage that.

Why am I the right person for it

I’m comfortable orchestrating efforts in multiple and cross-disciplined fronts, granted things are happening and being communicated in the open and we have an overall strategy to work towards that frames all of our ideation and production.
I’m a generalist so I have more than basic knowledge in different areas which makes me able to communicate and understand what specialists might need to fulfill their tasks and what blockers may appear, freeing up some time they could be on standby or having to deal with managerial tasks. And I can still cover for specialized tasks and efforts as needed until a specific person can take care of it better.
I’m very empathetic and accommodating of others. I feel like this is a place where people might fade away if they don’t feel seen, if they don’t receive support when they feel lost and don’t want to bother people. I like to get to know everyone and what they’re good at and what they struggle with so I can try to orchestrate things in a way they can provide the most value out of what they want and feel able to do, rather than trying to fit them into a mold.

How might I fail at it

External reasons obviously aside, I might fail:

I like to know what I’m gonna do and why and what purpose it serves before actually doing it, which might clash with the way some people like to go around doing things.
I’m creative and like innovative and ambitious ideas, but I’m also a bit of a perfectionist in both that I like do to better than last time, and that I fear someone might reject something I’ve created (of course since I’m aware of it I’m trying to work on it :laughing:). This might make me shoot myself in the foot when I do things on my own, but in a team setting it doesn’t have to be a problem if I work with someone more pragmatic to balance it out.

What I’ll need help with

I’ll need someone to tell me when I’m dreaming too big and half-assing something I’ve planned will be more than enough. I will not insist on doing what I proposed initially, I just need that gentle nudge of someone saying “yeah, no, but we can do 50% of that and we’ll be good”.
Initially, answer my questions if I reach out. There are still things I have doubts about, and of course there are some that happen in the background out of our channels so I don’t even know what’s up with that but if I ask something to someone specifically is because it’s a piece of information that I estimate will be valuable for me to know, I’m not trying to bother anyone. Maybe you’ll be surprised with one of my questions because it seems obvious to you, but far from being ignorant I’m trying to collect what I need as fast as soon as possible.

Feedback! Let me know how I can better serve the community =)

What I hope to get out of it

I hope to become a valuable contributor to MG and gain the feeling of becoming part of a community where I can help build something that will have a positive impact in the future of our society. I would love to be able to feel safe that my basic needs are covered through my work here. Then I will be free to safely provide so much time and value to the team, as I have with other projects I’ve poured my heart and soul into in exchange for nothing, when I was still able to do that :slightly_smiling_face: And I think that is exactly what MG wants to help others achieve, so I’m definitely 100% in to contribute to that goal.

I pledge…

I can contribute 40+ h/w from the first week of January onwards. I will regularly report my progress, communicate daily, and let others know when I can’t & will gracefully step down from my championing role if/when I have to.